Monday, February 13, 2012

What is digital storytelling?

  "the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories."

"the practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video,
to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component."

"a short, first person video-narrative created by combining recorded voice, 
still and moving images, and music or other sounds." 

Digital Storytelling 2011 welcome screen by digistorytellin, on Flickr
by  digistorytellin
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 Generic LicenseWhile the definitions listed above are slightly different, they each offer a description that references the art of telling stories through technology. 7 Things You Should Know About Digital Storytelling points out "the oral tradition of knowledge transfer and exchange has served as the basis for education since humans began teaching one another,and digital stories build on this model by incorporating rich, dynamic media".  Digital storytelling just offers an alternative means for expression that can incorporate written, spoken, and visual language in the same space.  I think digital storytelling could especially benefit ELLs as they can support, supplement and enhance their stories with audio and visual elements.  Therefore, they have the opportunity to develop both written and oral language skills in a creative way.

A few quick ideas for incorporating digital storytelling in the classroom with ELLs:

All About Me Book.  A traditional activity for beginning of the year introductions can be transformed into a multidimensional lesson on technology, using simple commands and key technology vocabulary.  Integrate language structures and content vocabulary for a second-level of engagement.  Modify for ability levels, of course.

Book Publishing.  I have had the opportunity to be in a classroom for an end of the year book publishing project. Although I think this is a great activity that allows for differentiation and authentic assessment, one word seems to come to mind when I look back, chaos.  Digital storytelling removes the cutting, pasting, sewing, and not to mention, a million questions.  While some students may prefer the traditional paper method, others may rather work online.  Personally, I think a choice should be presented to students.

Collaborative Stories.  Students can co-author a book.  The story can have a prompt/theme or students can have complete freedom when writing.  Students can plan the story together or each complete a separate section, adding onto the previous work of their group members.  A fun activity that allows for collaboration and student-driven learning. For a list of writing prompts [for more advanced speakers] check out this writing prompts list that I stumbled upon today.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

Your ideas for story-telling sound creative. Your experience in the classroom shows through in your inclusion of giving students choices and guidelines such as writing prompts.